Understanding Myself as an Amphibian Official Trailer
Understanding Myself as an Amphibian is a Queer ecology documentary that explores the sexual diversity of the wildlife around us. Director May Matchim (they/she) draws connections between these incredible species and their own journey accepting their Transness. The title is a reference to the green frog, an amphibian which is able to change its sex as it matures.
This film explores a variety of animal and plant subjects, including same-sex bird parents raising chicks together, and a group of salamanders that's entirely female. This film also explores the exclusionary attitudes in biology and conservation throughout time, and how these attitudes have influenced our understanding of animal behaviour.
With this film, May hopes to help encourage Queer and Trans viewers to develop a stronger relationship with the natural world. Historically, we've been excluded from outdoor spaces and faced discrimination within the biological and environmental sciences. She hopes this project is able to address these continuing barriers through on-camera representation and the celebration of Queer wildlife. In this way, Queer and Trans viewers can see their experiences reflected on screen. By understanding ourselves through the lens of biodiversity, the film suggests that we extend community to non-human animals.
Visit www.gofundme.com/f/lets-make-the-queerest-wildlife-documentary-ever to help support this film!